
Entity Definition

Logical Name : GiftCertificateMediaType
Physical Name : CO_TYP_GF_CF_MD

The format and media used to represent a GittCertificateClass Examples include: PAPER STORED_VALUE_CARD MOBILE_WALLET OTHER

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
GiftCertificateMediaTypeCode (PK) A retailer assigned code denoting the format and media used to represent a GittCertificateClass CD_TYP_GF_CF_MD Code4 char(4)
GIftCertificateMediaTypeName The name of the the format and media used to represent a GittCertificateClass NM_GF_CF_MD Name varchar(40)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
GiftCertificateMediaType defines GiftCertificateClass

Logical Views containing GiftCertificateMediaType

Logical View
Logical 01010 - Item Description - Subtype View